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Six Anniversary Questionnaire

Six Anniversary Questionnaire

This year marks 10 years of loving each other and six years of marriage.

Every year for our anniversary, one thing we like to do to connect is answer a series of questions separately. We share them with each other usually over our favorite bottle of wine. Here’s our questions and answers this year.

The Questions

You've been married for six years, but together for ten. What still manages to surprise you?

E: The drive that Zach has to make new opportunities and drive to set our family up for successful futures. 

Z: That she still puts up with my farts lol jk …  she is still as thoughtful of others as the day we met 

Three words that best describe your marriage at this point? 

E: Appreciation. Committed. Love. 

Z: Evolving. Exciting. Loving.

What's your best memory from the past year? 

E: The birth of Miss Harlow Rose. The entire pregnancy and especially labor. Birth always brings us so much closer for so many reasons. Makes me fall in love with him all over again. 

Z: Growing together as a family of three, creating a strong bond between us three.  But a more specific memory was also our trip to Sedona, the surprise touring of the helicopter with Theo.

Favorite thing the other regularly does?

E: He makes me hot pour over coffee every single morning, and I look forward to it daily.  Also, getting up with Theo first thing in the morning and letting me sleep a little longer with Harlow. A god damn angel he is.  Lastly, he piggy backs and adds on on the weird ass shit I do and I love it so much. “You did it again.” He knows exactly what I mean. 

Z: Plans all the little things to keep things fun and exciting.

Least favorite thing the other regularly does?

E: Currently- He’s constantly leaving things he uses out and doesn’t put them back in their place. 🤣

Z: Throws entire cardboard boxes into recycle (doesn’t break them down.)

What do you hope to accomplish together in the coming year?

E: Purchase and successfully run our first Airbnb. 

Z: Starting a close bond as a family of four, and also purchasing first investment property. 

One word to sum up the other. 

Erika  (about Z): charming.
Zach (about E): selfless.

Advice for spending 10 years with someone?

E: Never forget date night, compliment + kiss often, don’t forget about the little things, and communicate clearly. 

Z: Have fun often, be in the present- don’t worry too much about the future.

Thanks for reading!

We challenge you and your significant other to also reflect and answer your own set of questions separately, then share together too!



See our other anniversary questionnaires here for more question ideas!

Year 5 Questionnaire

Year 4 Questionnaire

Year 3 Questionnaire

Harlow Rose Walker: The Birth Story

Harlow Rose Walker: The Birth Story