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Four-Year Anniversary Questionnaire

Four-Year Anniversary Questionnaire

A questionnaire to celebrate four years of marriage.

Make their happiness part of your happiness.

It’s been four years since Z and I got married. In this time, we have lived in our home we built together for four years, traveled many places, had a beautiful baby boy, went through some major life changes, and with all this our love has continued to grow and evolve. Within the last year, there have been more changes than we could have ever imagined and Theo’s arrival has made our family feel even more complete. It’s so nice to reflect back on our year and check in with each other about our marriage, goals, and memories each year. One way we like to do this and to honor our anniversary is by answering a questionnaire that we each answer without looking at the other's responses (until now).  Enjoy!

What's the one thing that will always cheer the other person up?

E- A good hug, a good beer, freshly made presta coffee, and couch snuggles. Also, playing his drums! 

Z- She can be cheered up by setting up a special date, whether a nice at home date night, or planning something to look forward to attending.


What has four years of marriage taught you?

E- We help make each other our best selves. Appreciate the little things. Never stop dating. And it’s important to remind each other often why you are dedicated to the other. 

Z- There can be lots of life events in such a short period of time that can be really scary and emotionally hard. Staying as a team we manage to get through the hard times and the outcome is worth the wait and hard work.


What's the one thing you wished the other person liked more?

E- Olives… Jk, more for me! 

Z- I wish Erika enjoying 4-wheeling more lol. Perhaps I need a less bumpy ride.


How has Theo changed how you view each other?


E- It has been so special to watch Zach grow into an amazing father. Seeing how gentle and caring he is with him. It’s sexy, cute, and oh so charming. He has stepped into this new fatherhood role and is killing it. The love I have for Zach grows each and everyday I see him with Theo! #dilf 


Z- With Theo in the picture I am only reassured how dedicated Erika is to providing our son with everything he needs. I view her the same - she is a strong, motivated, sexy woman and mother to my son.


 What’s one completely surprising new thing you learned about each other this year?

E- How little sleep we both can function (or not function) with. Hello newborn life! 

Z- I learned that Erika is capable of producing and birthing beautiful humans. I learned how much effort and love she puts into the pregnancy, which makes me so excited for our future pregnancies/children :)


 What makes the other feel most loved?

E- Quality time together + kind and loving words of affirmations. 

Z- Showing her that I am here for her, everyday and always, through good times and challenging times. This comes through simple love gestures, hugs, kisses, and snuggles, Friday night take out and bottles of wine. 


 What does a perfect day look like for the other?

E- Wake up, make coffee, enjoy that bomb coffee. Chill and do whatever the hell we want. Drink delicious beers. Hangout with our dogs. Admire and love on our child. Getting outside. Eating good food. The end. 


Z- Erika’s perfect day is likely one that starts with a hot coffee and day full of adventure. Perhaps exploring a new trail or place around town, followed with a good bite to eat. Of course snacks will be critical for a good day, and a glass or two of wine at night.


What's your best memory from the past year? 

E- Creating and birthing our human, duh. And our roadtrip up to the Pacific Northwest was uhhh-mazing. 


Z- This last year was full of great times, first most the birth and welcoming of our son Theo Joseph Walker, followed by the beauty and joys of Erika’s Pregnancy, followed by an amazing coastal road trip during the summer.


 What's one habit the other person has that drives you nuts?

E- Hmmm. Had to think about this one! I’d have to say, being hard on himself every once in awhile. Positive self talk!

Z- Putting things in the dishwasher that should be hand washed.



What is Erika’s FAVORITE meal? (Answered by Z) 

Z- Poke bowls or Indian food.

What is Zach’s FAVORITE meal? (Answered by E)

E- Chicken wings, potato chips, and a cold beer. 



 Three words that best describe each other at this point? 

E- Caring, passionate, loving. 

Z- Motherly, Caring, Tired (... and sexy)


Any bucket list items for year 5?

E- Travel more, this time with our little! 

Z- Go camping with Theo, buy investment property.

Eight years of dating, four years of marriage, and so much LOVE!


Thanks for reading!

-The Walkers ♡

Want more? Check our three year anniversary questionnaire here!

The Fourth Trimester

The Fourth Trimester

Theo Joseph Walker: The Birth Story

Theo Joseph Walker: The Birth Story