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Five-Year Anniversary Questionnaire

Five-Year Anniversary Questionnaire

A questionnaire to celebrate FIVE years of marriage! ♡

Nine years of love,
5 years of marriage.

March 25th was our five-year anniversary, one thing we like to do each year on our anniversary is reflect with each other with some questions we both answered separately about our love & life. We share our answers together and enjoy reminiscing + reflecting about our love and past year.


  1. How have you both grown together during the length of your marriage?

    E- I think we have both learned to work so much better as a team together. It’s all about balance. Splitting chores, cooking, cleaning are all things we balance well. Now splitting caring for Theo too! We are only better when we work together and I appreciate that about Zach.  

    Z- We have supported each other in different ways as things have adapted over the past 5 years. 


    What’s the first thing you plan to do together after the pandemic is over?

    E- An awesome family VACATION, duh!

    Z- Schedule a family vacation!


    Biggest pet peeve about the other currently?

    E- When he asks where something is without using his own eyes first.   

    Z- Loading 50 million things on the coat rack that is supposed to hold 3 coats lol. 


    What do you hope to accomplish together in the coming year?

    E- Expanding our family and financial goals.

    Z- We are hoping to get pregnant later this year with #2 :)


    What is one way you most differ from the other?

    E-  I need all the sleep or else I’m a big crank. I am definitely not a morning person. Zach is a nice and good functioning human on minimal sleep. Bless him for letting me sleep in a bit some days.

    Z- Erika is calm and collected all-the-time, Zach not so much lol. 

    Have you learned anything new about each other recently even after five years?

    E- He is such an amazing daddy to our Theo. It is so special to watch them together. I’ve learned how gentle and caring Z can be as a dad.

    Z- I always knew Erika was going to be a great mother one day, but now I have learned that I was right and she is an amazing mother. 


    How has Theo changed your relationship as a couple?

    E- Having Theo has made us really appreciate quality time together. Making the time for dates doesn’t come as often now, so when we get the chance to have those it’s really nice and appreciated!

    Z- Theo has brought many changes. A new sense of love for each other, I love seeing her as a mother. Watching her as a mother brings me true happiness. Theo has also brought challenges, restless nights, frustrations with each other, and total exhaustion. In those moments it is very hard to stay strong as a couple. However, over time it is getting easier and the good is outweighing the not-so-good.


    What’s a habit that you love about each other / habit that you dislike.

    E- A habit that I love about Z, that he has to make bomb bomb coffee every morning. A habit that I don’t like, the fact that he doesn’t put on sunscreen daily.

    Z- I love that Erika is always on top of the food game. We always have a full fridge and lots of snacks. She plans all of our meals, which are healthy and delicious. A habit that I dislike, my office/drum room has become a graveyard for baby toys and baby stuff that we are keeping for the next one lol. 


    How is your anniversary celebrated differently now that you have Theo?

    E- On our actual anniversary it’s all about the countdown to bedtime then post bedtime…PARTY. Shoutout to grandma and grandpa for watching Theo so we could get away for a weekend night too!

    Z- Not too much differently - thank you grandparents! We spent a lovely day in Sonoita drinking wine and having fun just the two of us. 


    What is the most difficult part of marriage in general?

    E-  Figuring out what to make for dinner…

    JK! Honestly though, I don’t find anything in our marriage to be ‘difficult.’ Marriage definitely takes daily effort- filling each other’s love language tanks, making time for alone time with each other, and keeping the smiles and laughs going as much as possible.

    Z- Realize it's not all about you and how you respond when things are tough.


    Describe your proudest moment(s) of one another - a time when you thought, “that’s why I am married to you."

    E- Each time Z sets a goal and crushes that goal. Most recently, he wanted + manifested a new job that will bring us some awesome opportunities. After some hard work and simply just being himself- he got it, of course! I’m a proud wifey.

    Z- My proudest moment of Erika was when she labored for nearly 24 hours and then gave birth to our son, Theo Joseph Walker. She was determined to have a vaginal birth and she did. She prepared so hard and kept her mind strong during labor. It took FOREVER but she did it and I am so so proud of her. 


    Advice for spending five years with someone?

    E- Commit to MAKING TIME for dates, intimacy, and surprising each other.

    Work together to create goals, hopes and dreams.

    Learn each other’s love language and fill each other’s ‘ love buckets’ daily.

    Be each other’s best friends, greatest supporters, biggest comfort + strongest motivation.

    Z-   Put your partner first, think about their feelings and always be there for love and support. 

I vow to always squeeze your cute butt. even when were old and wrinkly.


E + Z

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