Soon hours quickly passed by. I was going through each and every contraction with all my strength. At 10:30 at night, we decided to do another cervical check- I was 6cm dialted, only one centimeter closer to the end goal. My nurse had some more good news, my amniotic fluid or bag of waters was now “bulging out” through the cervix. Although frustrating it wasn’t more of what I was hoping, it was progress! My body was extremely tired and weak, without sleep/rest and without eating for hours as much work as my body was putting in- it was tough. My nurse offered some IV pain meds to try and ease the pain of contractions and get some rest. I chose to take her up on this offer and was able to nap for about 30 minutes. Woohoo! Zach was able to get some sleep too! He was a rock star through the entire time thus far and was up with me through each and every contraction.
Hours passed with not much progression on my contractions, staying the same pace. At 3:20am we decided to double the Pitocin amount. The contractions progressed to even more intense, every couple minutes, through this entire night and into the early morning. We were now passing 24 hours of labor. At 8am, we did yet another cervix check and I was 7, possibly 8 cm dilated, 90% effaced, with the bulging waters bag. Again, progress! I decided to continue on what we were doing, although a slow pace, what we were doing was working. The Pitocin continued, we continued movement around the room, changing positions through contractions as much as possible. I was avoiding having my water broken mainly because with my last birth, I knew the pain that came with the contractions after breaking it! So much work on your body, especially with an unmedicated birth.
At 30 hours into labor, we had one last cervical check to see if I was finally ready. After 4 more hours of this process, I was now definitely 8 cm, had a “very soft cervix” and the waters bag was the same, very bulgy. They could even feel her head though the bag of waters. Closer!
At this point, I felt absolutely exhausted and was feeling slightly defeated. Although it was again progress, my body was just done. Tired. I didn’t think I could continue more hours and hours of this without sleep, eating, or any ENERGY. So after talking with my doctor and midwife, I decided I would continue with breaking my water, but pairing it with an epidural. Something I was trying to avoid and had done so far after 30+ hours of labor, but it was time. My body needed the help to rest. So it was time for the epidural, and what a god send that was! Around 1pm, I was given the lowest dose of epidural and at 2pm broke my water on top of that. The plan was to let my body rest immediately after, once the epidural kicked in to hopefully nap and see what progression would happen once my water was broken. We were hopeful that her head being right there would put enough pressure on my cervix to fully open up.
Well.. Napping was NOT an option. Once I broke my water and the epidural was good to go, I laid down to nap. Every couple minutes through my contractions, I felt major pressure down below. I felt like her head was going to pop out, my body was telling me to push with each contraction! My nurse came in and had said my contractions looked like we were already ready to push. This was maybe 20 minutes after trying to lay down to rest. It was GO time!