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Three-Year Anniversary

Three-Year Anniversary

A questionnaire to celebrate three years of marriage.


Married for three years, together for seven. And what an adventure it’s been!

Within the last year, there have been more changes in life than we could have ever imagined. Every year our love continues to grow and we learn more things about each other daily. I'm reminded on a daily basis that marrying Zach was the best decision of my life, but like any marriage, it isn't always perfect. We are learning to appreciate the little flaws and hiccups that life brings us.

Marriage is beautiful. Marriage is hard work. Marriage is happiness.

Yesterday was our three-year anniversary, I thought it would be fun to share a small glimpse into our lives with a few questions we both answered separately about our love & life.



1.   What’s your favorite part about being married to the other?

E- Trying new things with one another, and learning new things about each other. Sharing cool, fun, and different experiences keeps our marriage thriving.

 Z- Unconditional love that I receive from Erika is wonderful. She makes me feel so good and grounded when I am with her.  

2.   Biggest pet peeve about the other currently?

E- When Zach brings home his lunch box and doesn’t load his dirty dishes into the dish washer- he will put it in the clean empty sink. Note: I am also a clean freak.

Z- Hair balls in shower.  

3.   Favorite little thing the other regularly does?

E- Hugs in the morning getting ready. Random forehead kisses. Playing guitar and making up little songs.

Z- Fills the coffee pot with water before end of day :) 


4.   How have you been balancing work life and personal life lately?

E- Weekly date nights, making dinner at home almost every night, making sure to get up early enough to have breakfast and coffee together. Checking in daily how our days are going.

 Z- Dinners with each other, bike rides and dedicated weekends to each other. 

5.   What’s one completely surprising new thing you learned about each other this year?

E-  can get bored with a book he is reading, which results in not finishing the books he often starts. But he finished his first in awhile recently, #proudwifey

Z- My wife has a new disease, T1D, and although a pain in her ass, has made my wife so much more healthy, fertile and sexy.  


6.   What dish do you always request the other cook?

E-  makes some bomb smoked wings- with a big ass salad of course.

Z- All of them, I can only make chicken. 

7.   Are there any things you don't see eye to eye on (big and small)?

E- We are pretty level on things. But if I had to pick one thing…Agreeing on the amazing taste of olives. He hates them, I love them. MORE FOR ME.

 Z- Hmm ....

8.   When you think back on your wedding from three years ago, what's the one thing you remember most vividly?

E- Staying together always throughout the night, soaking in every moment of the fastest, most magical night of our lives. Seeing him standing at the end of the aisle. Saying our written vows to each other, and crying like a baby while doing so. Discovering my new nickname, Patricia. Also, I didn’t pick ONE thing, whoops!

 Z- Moments before saying our vows, seeing her come down the aisle, speaking our vows. 

9.   What do you hope to accomplish together in the coming year?

E- To grow our family in the healthiest happiest way possible.

 Z- Make a damn baby! Downsize our home! Save $$$

10.  What’s a guaranteed way to make the other happy after a terrible day?

E- Cuddles, a good beer, our pups. Our favorite show, or sitting outside on our patio together.

 Z- Glass (or bottle) of red wine , with chocolate, and snuggling puppers. 

11.  In your eyes, what is the other’s greatest accomplishment this year?

E- How amazing he has dealt with this entire diabetes thing. The support he has shown me over the months has been indescribable. His support through changing our diet slightly, giving me shots when needed, going to appointments with me and more! His passion for wanting to learn more about it, and get through this daily challenge together. I could not do it daily without him.

Also, how much Zach has pushed himself at work, challenging himself, reflecting well, and staying sane while doing so.  Working hard for what he wants, and making things happen despite any set backs he can’t control.

 Z- Absolutely taking control of her new autoimmune disease, accepting it will not control her lifestyle and having an outstanding attitude about it. 

12.  What was your first impression of the other's personality and is it true today?

E- Goofy. This is one of my favorite traits about Zachary, definitely still true to this day. I love his weirdo-ness.

Z- First impression is that she was so selfless, so kind and willing to put other first to make them feel special and unique. Yes this is absolutely true today.  

13.   What is your favorite memory together (excluding wedding)?

E- There is too many to count! Picking up our pups from the airport when we first got them. Getting engaged at our new house that we were building. Our first big trip to Costa Rica. Eating and drinking our way through Italy. Scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Basically, TRAVELING! Again, couldn’t just choose one. #rulerbreaker

 Z- Aside from wedding / honeymoon ... making the decision to grow our family and buy rogue and olive (specifically picking them up from the airport as little babies and driving them home, then Rogue has to stop at a park to poop.) 

14.  What is your favorite way to spend time together, just the two of you?

E- Netflix and chillin. Sipping wine on our patio or couch. Being outdoors on a hike together. Morning coffee together. But my most favorite? Traveling the world on our adventures.

 Z- Travel/Drive and just talk, or not talk, exploring new lands. (i.e. driving in Costa Rica / Australia) 

15. What is the other most passionate about?

E- Music. Coffee. Beer. Family. Travel. Optics.

 Z- Helping others, whether teaching 2nd graders, or blogging on a healthy lifestyle/relationships etc.

16.  Biggest sacrifice the other has made for you?

E- Lifestyle changes recently. Less carbs when eating, giving me shots (but, not anymore!!!) and leaving work to go to doctor’s appointments.

Z- Support my hobbies (money towards Jeep, giving up a room in our home for music room)

17.  What is one way you most differ from the other?

E- How we deal with stressful situations. One person tends to remain more calm, while the other can go from 0 to 100, real quick. No names!!! Luckily, we are the perfect balance for one another.

 Z- She is a clean freak, I could walk around barefoot with semi dirty floor no PROB! 

18.  What has three years of marriage taught you so far?

E- You are ALWAYS a team. A team should always give 100/100 not 50/50. Both you and your partner   should give 100% percent to the relationship. After so many life changes and events this past year, I believe that every new phase of life together is a chance to learn, grown, and overcome- as a team.

Z- Make sure decisions are a team effort, keep the other person involved.

 19. Three words that best describe your marriage at this point?

E- Honest, strong, passionate.

Z- Zealous, passionate, admirable.


20. Most important pieces of advice for a successful relationship?

E- It’s okay to disagree, as long as you are always honest with each other. Never forget to make time for each other, go on dates. Ask each other questions. Share what’s on your mind often. Be grateful and appreciative of one another and show it often. Surprise one another. TRAVEL often. So say "I love you" regularly and mean it from the heart. Strengthen that I love you by explaining WHY you love them occasionally.

 Z- Talk about everything, good and bad. Talk about your shared dreams and shared aspirations. 

Thanks for reading!

-The Walkers ♡

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