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Self Care Self Love: 10 Ways To Take Care of Yourself Today

Self Care Self Love: 10 Ways To Take Care of Yourself Today

Rule number one: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.


Being on my Spring Break for work, I’ve finally had some time to catch up on life, check some things off my list, and most importantly- RELAX. It’s SO important to make the time to relax and take care of your body, mind, and soul. With that being said, here’s ten simple ways to take care of yourself today.


  1. Move your body: Try a new workout class, do some yoga, go for a run or walk, workout with a friend.


2. Pamper yourself: Take a bath, put on your favorite music, mask on, maybe a nice glass of vino or bubbly.


3. Read a book outside or in bed and enjoy some tea + coffee.

4. STRETCH + drink a glass of water (or two, or three!)

5. Stimulate your brain: Do a crossword, a puzzle, color, or write in a journal.

6. Enjoy: Listen to an inspirational or Funny Podcast.

Try these: Good Life Project, Changeability, Getting Curious, The Reductress Minute

Kill two birds with one stone: Do this while walking around your neighborhood!


7. Go on a hike or nature walk: Ten minutes of sunlight every day gives your body what it needs to fulfill your Vitamin D needs, but you can always get a little more. ;)


8. Pet or cuddle something furry: Dog cuddles are the best cuddles, just sayin'.

9. Meditate, relax, focus on your breathing: I love to do this in the mornings, or after a workout. Burn an incense, favorite candle, or use some essential oils on your neck/forearms. Throw some meditation music.


10. Do something you LOVE: Go dancing, binge watch your favorite show with some ice cream, buy yourself flowers, take a bike ride, bake something and enjoy it, stroll through your favorite store and buy yourself a lil’ something, get your nails done, plan a weekend getaway with a loved one, have that second glass of wine. YOU DESERVE IT.


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