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Top 20 ‘Must Haves’ for your Baby Registry

Top 20 ‘Must Haves’ for your Baby Registry

The ‘Top 20’ Must Have Baby Items That Every Parent Needs!

Before we get started on highlighting the baby registry must haves, I recommend you start your registry with Babylist. This site and app allows you to compile all stores and items you desire into one registry. Want things from Amazon, Target, and BuyBuyBaby too? Instead of three different registries, Babylist lets you link them all together into ONE registry. It’s easy to add items, share, and keep track on what’s been purchased.

Sign up now here, thank me later!

Now to the good stuff! We could NOT have gone through the first year with our little one without these items!

TOP 20 Baby Registry MUST HAVES

  1. Snuggle Me Organic or Dockatot Lounger- perfect for newborn naps in sight, setting down baby in a safe space and changing outfits.

  2. Yay! Mats or a nice play carpet. A stylish and quality play mat! We love this one!

  3. Merlin’s Sleep Suit and Nested Bean sleep sacks are great when transitioning out of swaddle. The Ollie Swaddle is worth the money if you can get your hands on one for the newborn stage.

  4. Sit Me Up! Chair - A great alternative to the popular bumbo seat, this chair is made to assist with the “M” positioning of baby’s hips once baby can hold own head up.

  5. Peanut Keekaroo Changer: Easy to move and easy to clean. A better alternative than changing table with sheets you have to wash/clean.

  6. Boon Soak Adjustable Baby Bath- a great newborn bath! Then we transitioned to the Keter Bath Seat once baby was able to sit up on their own.

  7. Honest Company Bath and Skin products: Our favorite is the Organic All Purpose Balm.

  8. Wyze Camera/Baby Monitor: 35 bucks!!! Affordable quality indoor camera that works with your phone on it’s own app. Two way audio. Works through WiFi. We have multiple for grandparent’s houses too! We found these after spending almost 200 on a baby camera/monitor with very low quality.

  9. Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail: You can use your regular trash bags, no diaper genie’s required. We have two!

  10. Hatch Sound Machine: This thing is a god send! Worth the money. You’ll want one for your own room once baby is out of your room.

  11. Moby Wrap: We love ALL the wraps! Moby wrap was definitely our most used.

  12. Frida Baby Health Kit: This entire kit is awesome! We have used every piece of this set in the first year alone. Favorites from it: Constant temperature monitor and the nose Frida.

  13. Como Tomo Bottle Set: If you choose to use bottles at any time, we love our como tomo’s! This set is all you’ll need.

  14. Joovy Pack n Play: Easy for travel and transitioning to the crib! This is a slightly bigger pack n play than the norm which gives more space for sleeping baby and can double as a play pen!

    The bigger purchases… worth every penny.

  15. Abiie High Chair- This high chair can be used through baby’s first solids to toddlerhood, this chair grows with your child and is comfy and easy to clean. We love ours and still use it with our 20 month old.

  16. Babyletto Convertible Crib - We love our cribs. These are stylish and grow with your baby since they can transition to toddler bed .

  17. Snoo Bassinet: You can now rent or buy the Snoo! This was a life saver. A self soothing smart bassinet that tracks your babies sleep. We used this for the first 6 months.

  18. Nuna Pipa Carseat: The lightest and safest carseat on the market!

  19. Uppababy Vista Stroller: Definitely our most used and most loved item! A stroller that grows with the family, turning into an double with adapters. Uppababy strollers are hands down the best, in my opinion. Another more affordable option that has a very similar design to Uppababy is the Mockingbird stroller.

  20. A nice + comfy glider or rocking chair: We customized ours at Buy Buy Baby for less than $500. You can often find them on sale and or use a coupon when buying!

Congratulations on your new babe

and happy prepping! ♡

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