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You Know You’re A Mom When...

You Know You’re A Mom When...

Being a new mom, you always gotta keep it real and save time for some laughs! I hope these bring you just that.

Here are some ‘You know you’re a mom when…’ thoughts! Can you relate?


You know you’re a mom when…

You’ve warmed up your cup of coffee for the fifth time today and it’s only 9am.

A shower and making yourself meals become a bullet on your to do list.

You clap and congratulate your baby on a new milestone like they just won a medal in the olympics.

Your boob becomes the answer to every fussy baby problem.

Breastmilk is used to fix, well, everything.

If you go the entire day without having to change your own shirt from spit up, it’s been a very successful day.

You walk by the mirror and think ‘Is that shit on my arm again?’

You’ve dealt with a recent blow out, and you ain’t talking bout your hair.

Your baby is looking like a baby gap model, and you’re on your third day in a row of the same yoga pants.

A sleeping baby is the new ‘happy hour.’

When you finally got a full eight hours of sleep… It took four days, but that’s okay.

You’re wondering why the black makeup under your eyes won’t come off, and realize they are permanently there cuz….you is tired.

Now you don’t know how to get to sleep without white noise.

Eating a hot meal, or an entire meal uninterrupted or with both hands is a treat.

You find yourself dreaming of strolling the isles of Target by yourself.

You can’t tell if it’s the postpartum hairloss or your child’s new grabbing skills that’s ripping out all of your hair. 😃

You find yourself sneezing into your pillow so you don’t wake the baby at night.

When you high five yourself for actually being on time for something.

When you’ve done 15 loads of laundry and it’s only Monday afternoon.

Caffeine is the foundation of your food pyramid.

Wine is the second.

If you’ve ever thought, RIP to my perky boobs.

When your most excited for a night getaway with your hubby, because SLEEP.

Target drive thru and Instacart for groceries is your new best friend.

When you could have sworn you heard baby cries, except your baby is fast asleep. 🧐 So really, you just cray.

You’ve recently acquired a new singing voice, and nursery rhymes are your go to genre, baby is your number one fan.

I hope you at least had a laugh or two! I’ll leave you with some more memes I had to share. Keep working hard mama, you’re doing great! 💪🏼

May your coffee be strong and baby’s naps be long.
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