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I am a Type 1 Diabetic

I am a Type 1 Diabetic

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On December 21st, I was checked into the hospital for severe shortness of breath and sharp pains to one side of my lungs. The doctors took blood work, a flu test, x-rays, an EKG, the list goes on. They came back to tell us they found a ‘mass in my lungs,’ which of course sounded like the bad news. We later came to find out it was an extreme case of pneumonia. We thought the bad news was over. Shortly after, the PA comes in to ask me if I had ever got my blood checked before, that my blood sugar levels were over 420, and dangerously high number. “You have diabetes,” is what she said and my whole world froze for a moment. The rest of what she began to explain became a complete blur.

Type 1 diabetes is what I found out I have that day, a day I will never forget. The next 3 nights and 4 long days were rough, to say the least. Hooked up to multiple IV’s, antibiotics, woken up every hour to take blood sugar levels for two days straight, barley being able to walk, needed help to use the restroom, blood being drawn constantly, having zero appetite, and was in so much pain— the first couple days were the absolute worst. Being treated for pneumonia and trying to get regulated sugar levels for my body’s new disease was a huge transition. It was tough physically and emotionally. Zach and I spent a full day learning and practicing what will now be my everyday routine taking care of my diabetes for each and every meal. How much, when, and where to take my insulin. What happens if my blood sugar gets low. We learned I had been having diabetes symptoms for almost a whole year. Extreme thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, sugar cravings, slowly healing wounds, and weight loss. It was right before my eyes, but we didn’t think anything of it! After lots of rest, medication, learning, and healing I was able to leave the hospital after a long 4 days. I was able to go home, relax, and continue to heal in the comfort of my home. Today, I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER. We are still trying to get my number under control, because I tend to run high- but everyday I learn something new with my new disease. It is manageable, and extremely interesting!

We are still getting used to this new chapter in our lives. But here’s a few things you should know. Type 1 diabetes is NOT a life choice, its not caused by my diet, its not something that can be controlled or cured by food. Type 1 diabetes is something my body has developed through genetics that’s caused my pancreas to not be able to produce it’s own insulin. This means I will be insulin dependent for every single meal of the rest of my life. BUT, that’s alright with me. It’s a huge change in my life, but I’ve realized it’s nothing I can’t handle. I am excited to learn more about my disease and how to live and thrive with this new thing. We will be taking a course of 4 classes to learn more about Type 1.

So, there’s my little life update in a nutshell for everyone who’s been asking. My whole family, friends, and especially my hubby have been so supportive throughout everything so far and I can’t thank them enough. Make sure to get yourself checked up. If you are ever feeling any of these symptoms or know someone who is- please go get some blood work done. I never thought i’d ever be joining the Type 1 club. So some advice to you is just to be aware of your body, take care of yourself and be happy and healthy!

I am alive, healthy, and up for whatever life challenges me with next. 

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Married to a Type 1 Diabetic: Interview with Zachary

Married to a Type 1 Diabetic: Interview with Zachary

Holiday Stocking Stuffers: For Him and Her

Holiday Stocking Stuffers: For Him and Her